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The Emotion of Getting Married​

                                     WEDDINGS &

EVENTs PLANNER and designer


L'emozione di SposarVi - Sede Legale: Corso G. Agnelli 8, Torino - c/o Wedding & Event - Partita IVA 09583130019 - Powered by UalĂ 









The Wedding Cake is the wedding cake in the anglo-saxon style, i.e. floors, richly decorated, developed in height. The prelude of a work of art, full of colors and flavors, creations of haute patisserie that have no limits, not even with regard to the form.


Beautiful Wedding Cake in the shape of a gift, in the shape of spirituous bags or as the imagination can suggest, so much spirit to suit every taste and every dream.


Through its implementation the bride and groom can express a part of themselves, ask witty and colourful or elegant and in the same color of the decorations of the wedding reception.


You can also supplement the Wedding Cake, the Mini Cake, cupcakes wedding monoporzioneche to take on the cake the original, a tradition made in the USA which is depopulated here in Italy.


Traditions, but, you know, initially, they are of the new! And as much as these are strengthened, and spread, the innovations take hold more and more. Original ideas and unique, which, who knows, with time, may take the name of traditions. Another example of changes in the organization of the wedding are the Wedding Cookies, or cookies decorated specially for the wedding.


Real homemade biscuits to use as a placeholder during the wedding reception, as wedding favors or special as any other thing your imagination suggests. The shapes and decorations can be customized to the maximum to make your wedding truly unique in all the details!



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